Hege Liseth is a visual artist living in Fredrikstad, Norway. Her practice ranges from paintings, drawings and animations to siteworks and interventions. Her projects often deal with issues related to human consciousness – perception, time, presence and non-existence. Questions about illusion & reality are central. Not as opposites, but as flexible and stretchable concepts, depending on our perceptions, interpretations and belief system. Since 2013 she has also collaborated on certain projects with Helene Torp. Interdisciplinary projects that explores tools and practices within a metaphysic perception of reality. Still the practice of painting, in particular, forms the backbone in her oeuvre.

“I explore the material through various processes and painterly strategies. I build the work layer by layer until it reach a certain mass. The layering and translucent giving it an illusion of spaciousness. Repetitive pictorial elements intertwined, to move the imagery against new forms. The figures crowd and overlay gives a palimpsest effect that suggest the narrative to be potensially endless. The pictorial surface waves between figurative narratives and formless chaos. A space between one state and another, between something and nothing. I am interested in how something can become something else, and the space between them. I am is interested in the different layers of experiencing what “is” and what is not. A transient condition where reality plunges into the surreality of a dream and a mood of otherworldliness.”